WordPress Expert in Stockholm.

I'm a WordPress developer based in Stockholm and wether you need a new website, your plugins updated, custom functionality or anything else created with WordPress - I'm your man. Your WordPress website should be easy and fun to use, quick to load and beautiful to look at.

A new website can have a huge impact on any business. To have a successful web presence today there is a lot to consider. I'll make your new WordPress website SEO friendly, responsive, accessible (to those with screen-readers for example), fast to load and easy to take care of. I also take your business into consideration and suggest ways in which you can automate and improve flows. Make your website your website your champion.

Many companies have websites they're very happy with - if it wasn't for those one or two things. As a WordPress developer I love to deep dive and correct add or improve functionality that your business need for your WordPress website to be perfect.

What you get.

I customise and build WordPress websites for small and medium sized companies that want to enhance their web presence and let their website contribute to the goals of ther business.


An expert Wordpress developer in Stockholm

Your company will benefit from my experience and expertise in WordPress that will take care of your site from planning to execution and deployment.


A WordPress site customised to fit your needs perfectly

No two companies are alike and neither should their web presence be. With a highly customised WordPress website your company will be representative as well as efficient.


An accessible, responsive and fast website.

Designing and developing a website today means creating websites for everyone - wether your visitors are on their phone, tablet, screen reader, or on a fast or slow internet connection.


An easy to maintain WordPress admin

WordPress websites ofter get bloated with plugins and after a while they seem impossible to maintain since everything depends on everything. I'll create your website so that everything stands on their own and is tightly integrated.


High security

WordPress in itself is very safe. It's the most used content management system and website builder in the world and therefore constantly has to improve and adapt to new threats. Certain plugins can be a risk but with me you wont need to worry.

Let's get started with your WordPress project!

Are your looking to start a WordPress project in Stockholm or greater Stockholm area? Contact me with the form below and let's get it going - I'd love to help out. Leave as much or as little information as you can and I'll be in touch shortly.